Frequently Asked Questions

Last Edited: November 29, 2023
How can we help you?
Orders normally take 6 to 48 hours to fully deliver. This may vary during holiday sales or while platform maintenances.
We have been providing service since 2014. We have never witnessed any case where our customers faced suspension or even warning. We designed our services in the safest and most organic way possible.
There are a number of options for you to reach out to us. You can email us at [email protected], send us a text on Telegram at @smmcompany, or fill in the contact form that you can find on our Contact Us page.
There is a point system for our loyal customers – A loyalty program that allows you to pay with the points you gained from previous purchases. From time to time we reward regular customers with vouchers for new products, or holiday sales. Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss our next giveaway or hefty discounts.
Even though we are one of the fastest SMM Panels, sometimes there might be delays with orders. For this and other reasons, we have a policy that customers are eligible to request refunds on their orders only when 72 hours have passed after placing their order. 
Refill policy varies from service to service. You can find a valid information about refill in each services detail section. Make sure to carefully read service details before placing an order.
We have card payments and crypto payments available at the moment. Our crypto payment processor supports up to 150 major cryptocurrencies.

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